At various points throughout my week I've had a chance to wandering around the campus, particularly the buildings that I'll be in. My two buildings: JAR - John A. Russell, and Architecture 2. They are very nice, older buildings. I think they might be from the 60s. JAR has the architecture/fine arts library that I will be using very heavily. My classmates and I met the librarian who gave us a tour and explained the less obvious aspects of the library: New collections are kept on a particular shelf for one week - until the following Thursday - then they are put into general circulation. Apparently there is a lot of competition for books loans in my faculty. Arch2 has a CADlab and large scale print room with a large scale scanner for use. The guy there suggested I don't wait until the end of term to do my scanning, because it gets backed up. Mental note: where else can I get scanning done? Riley's? must check...
Arch2 also has a collection of material samples.... the room has a name, but I don't recall it. There are carpet, paint, tile, wallpaper, anything samples and books. At the back of the room is 'the cage' which holds overstock that is free to use on projects if we need. I have found out more about my school from walking around and talking to people than I could have imagined.
This weekend will be a much photographed walking tour of the city... I one a large portfolio due in 2 weeks. and so it begins!